Your organization exists to improve the quality of life for its community members, but understanding your workforce is the first step to remaining relevant and representative of our changing society. Our secure, 7-minute survey provides deeper insights into the demographics and perceptions of your workforce to help ensure that your organization makes informed decisions to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Available now to organizations with a minimum of 10 employees (includes staff, board, independent contractors)
Services include:
1. A survey administration dashboard, providing a progress tracker and an interactive to-do list
2. Prewritten email communication templates and access to online training and resources to share with staff members
3. Full access to our Support Center Specialists throughout the duration of the study
4. A comparative workforce report with demographic profile details for each organization that meets the survey response threshold**
** To have a high degree of confidence in the data and protect individual privacy each organization must meet its response threshold, determined by the total number of workforce being surveyed.
We are committed to making this study affordable for organizations of all sizes. While we have created a suggested price tier based on organizational annual budget expenses starting at $25.00 please feel free to select the price your organization is comfortable paying.
Fields with asterisk are required.