Simmons School of Education and Human Development
Mediation Center
District Leadership Fellows
The SMU District Leadership Fellows program is a strengths-based leadership development program that enhances the leadership abilities of established and emerging school district leaders through an intensive year-long cohort. District leaders who are collaborative, motivated to create change, and who have a strong desire for personal leadership growth are invited to apply.
AP Summer Institute Payment Website
Please proceed only if you have registered for an AP class on the registration website.
Early-bird tuition for the 2023 APSIĀ® @ SMU is $550 per session (after May 15, 2023 price is $600).
There are no refunds for registrations after May 15.
TEA Technology Fee
Each teacher candidate is to pay a Technology Fee of $40 after admission to the SMU Teacher Preparation Program. The fee is collected on behalf of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to fulfill requirements of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Ch. 229.9. SMU will forward payment to TEA. If you have any questions, please email the Department of Teaching & Learning at
Thank you for submitting payment!
Teaching Channel Subscription
Teacher candidates are to complete field-based observations prior to Clinical Teaching. Up to 25 hours of observations may be completed by way of video. SMU is utilizing Teaching Channel as a means for our teacher candidates to accomplish this requirement.
Although observations are to be completed prior to Internship or Student Teaching, you will have access to your Teaching Channel account for a full year. We encourage you to utilize this resource throughout the year by exploring best practice exemplars and gaining valuable insight from experienced educators.