Regional Course of Study School
Course of Study School at Perkins School of Theology
This site was designed to help you pay for your Course of Study School fees, BEFORE you make a payment, please make sure of the amount you want your credit card to be charged for.
If you are not sure, please call the Course of Study office at 214-768-2265. Any refund or modification to your payment, will be deducted a $75.00 administrative fee.
Refunds will not be processed for cancellations submitted after the stated deadline posted on the Course of Study website. All cancellations to registration must be made in writing by sending an email to
Refunds that are approved will be deducted a $75.00 administrative fee.
Visit the Course of Study School website to view the registration fees:
Course of Study
Escuela del Curso de Estudio
Para continuar con su pago, ingrese correctamente la cantidad que desea pagar con su tarjeta de credito. Si no esta seguro de la cantidad que le corresponde pagar, por favor comuniquese con la oficina del Curso de Estudio al 214-768-2265. Haga clic en el carrito rojo localizado a mano derecha abajo para continuar.
Escuela de Licencia
Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor comuniquese con nuestra oficina al 214-768-2222. Haga clic en el carrito rojo localizado a mano derecha abajo para continuar.