Division of Journalism Underwriting

Thank you for supporting student journalism outside the classroom.

Fields with asterisk are required.
Journalism Underwriting for full year includes:
Journalism Underwriting for one semester includes:

Please upload your ad file
or, email the file to dcads@smu.edu 
with your order number when the art is ready.

Division of Journalism Underwriting Terms *

I have read and agree to the underwriting
and sponsorship terms between the sponsoring
company and Southern Methodist University.


Art information:

10.375" x 10.75", .25" bleed and .25" safe text buffer
CMYK, 300ppi, text outlined PDF

728x90 pixels
RGB, 72ppi, jpg, png, gif, or custom code

Full-color logo (will play on black and white backgrounds)
RGB, 300ppi, will scale for each placement
Voiceover with business name